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发布时间 : 2018-09-10 18:42 浏览量 : 387


  我们都知道钢制闸门的作用就是装于溢流坝、岸边 溢洪道、 泄水孔、 水工隧洞和 水闸等建筑物的空口上,用以调节流量,控制上、下游水位、宣泄洪水、排除泥沙或漂浮物等,是水工建筑物的重要组成部分。在水闸工程中,闸门是主体部分,常占挡水面积的大部。闸门又分为平板闸门和弧形闸门. 那么闸门的日常运用与养护应该注意哪些问题呢?下面就以PGZ型铸铁闸门为例,为大家介绍一下闸门的日常运用与养护。 1、在启闭时应留意闸板的上、下极限位置,以免损坏闸门或启闭机。假如在启闭机过程中如有异常状况应立刻中止运用并及时检查处置。 2、在运用中应停止机器部件停止防锈处置,并定期在止水面上抹黄油,以保证启闭时闸板与闸框的止水分离面润滑。 PGZ型铸铁闸门关闭时在距底面100mm处,将闸门暂停1分钟,应用门底激流冲底槽内的杂物后再将闸门关闭. PGZ铸铁拱形闸门是以铸铁为原料制作的,具有耐腐蚀,止水密封好,安装简单,使用寿命长等特点。Two-way spiral steel gate product brief introduction LMS two-way spiral steel gate is also known as two-way plug valve is installed at the other end of one-way spiral gate a hand wheel drive, LMS two-way spiral steel gate has a simple structure, light weight, no blockage, quick opening and closing, especially suitable for all kinds of solid materials and about 50mm block, mass materials Transportation and flow regulation, installation is not limited by angle, easy to operate, can adjust the scale at any time, can be two-way open, simple and practical. The main characteristics of LMS double-direction spiral steel gate are simple structure, light weight, no jamming, especially suitable for all kinds of solid materials and about 50 mm bulk, mass material transportation and flow regulation, installation is not limited by angle, easy to operate, can adjust the scale at any time, can be two-way operation, simple and flexible.

链接:浙江钢制闸门  标签:www.gangzhizhamen.com

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