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发布时间 : 2018-09-10 18:36 浏览量 : 275

  双向螺旋钢闸门产品简介 ,双向螺旋钢闸门又名双向插板阀就是在单向螺旋闸门另外一端安装一个手轮驱动,LMS双向螺旋钢闸门具有结构简单、重量轻、无卡阻、启闭迅速,特别适用于各类固体物料和50mm左右块状、团状物料的输送及流量调节,安装不受角度限制,操作方便,能随时调整尺度,可双向开启,简单实用。LMS双向螺旋钢闸门主要特点是结构简单、重量轻、无卡阻、特别适用于各类固体物料和50mm左右块状、团状物料的输送及流量调节,安装不受角度限制,操作方便,能随时调整尺度,可双向操作,简单灵活。 Two-way spiral steel gate product brief introduction LMS two-way spiral steel gate is also known as two-way plug valve is installed at the other end of one-way spiral gate a hand wheel drive, LMS two-way spiral steel gate has a simple structure, light weight, no blockage, quick opening and closing, especially suitable for all kinds of solid materials and about 50mm block, mass materials Transportation and flow regulation, installation is not limited by angle, easy to operate, can adjust the scale at any time, can be two-way open, simple and practical. The main characteristics of LMS double-direction spiral steel gate are simple structure, light weight, no jamming, especially suitable for all kinds of solid materials and about 50 mm bulk, mass material transportation and flow regulation, installation is not limited by angle, easy to operate, can adjust the scale at any time, can be two-way operation, simple and flexible.


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