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发布时间 : 2018-12-18 10:10 浏览量 : 198

   钢制闸门装置前,钢结构平面钢闸门设计首先确定水流方向,然后必需校正闸门底横框上立体的正确高度地位,闸门底横框上立体必需高于河底(或渠底)立体0.5米爲宜,以防水流的冲激,把石头、泥沙、杂木等漂浮物冲进闸门底横框槽内,形成闸门不能下降到相应地位,影响止水效果。 2、 闸门装置前,首先反省各部位的衔接螺栓能否在运输和装卸中形成松动,若有松动,使用板手拧紧。 3、 再反省,两边立闸框和上、下横闸框衔接处的周围止程度面能否错位,若有错位,使用扳手松动衔接处螺栓,将周围止水面调整在同一程度面内,再拧紧。 4、闸门在组装时,爲了使闸板和闸框止水摩擦面贴合的更紧,装置后减小间隙,闸门在上下横框上装置了压板卡铁,两边立闸框的斜铁上添加了顶丝,留意在间隙调整好后,将卡铁和顶丝撤除后,才不会影响闸门启闭。


    钢制闸门装置时,应全体就位装置,制止闸板、闸框分开装置,以防闸框弯曲变形,影响止水效果和启闭。 6、闸门吊装进预留二期浇筑水泥构造根底布置孔口后,一定要保证两边立闸框用长程度尺紧靠在铅垂线上,上下横闸框用长程度尺靠紧在程度线上,闸门全体吊装就位后,调 整好前后、左右、上下的正确地位,然后把调整地脚螺栓与工程预制钢筋焊接结实。再用塞尺检测各止水面处的间隙,同时对间隙大于0.2mm处,用高强度螺栓停止调整,要确保各止水面的最大间隙在0.2mm以下。再将闸门背水面两边立闸框用型钢或木杆支撑紧,以防水泥浇筑时挤压,形成两边立闸框弯曲变形,影响闸板在闸框滑道内上、下滑动。确认无误后最初可停止二期浇筑水泥。 7、闸门二期浇筑水泥后,要及时把流进闸板、闸框、紧闭压板间隙中的水泥浆肃清终了,避免水泥浆凝结后,影响闸门启闭。 六、运用颐养 铸铁闸门,在开启和封闭过水孔口时应留意闸板的上、下极限地位,以免损坏闸门或启闭机。Before installing steel gate, first determine the direction of water flow, then correct the position of the three-dimensional on the cross frame of the bottom of the gate. The three-dimensional on the cross frame of the bottom of the gate must be 0.5 meters higher than that on the bottom of the river (or canal). With the impulse of waterproof flow, the floating substances such as stones, sediment and miscellaneous wood are flushed into the cross frame trough of the bottom of the gate, thus forming a gate that can not be lowered to the corresponding position, which affects the effect of water stopping. 。 2. Before the gate device, first of all, we should reflect on whether the connecting bolts of different parts can be loosened in transportation and loading. If they are loosened, we should tighten them by using plate hand. 3. Reflect again whether the surrounding stop surface at the junction of the vertical gate frame on both sides and the upper and lower cross gate frames can be dislocated. If there is any dislocation, use wrench to loosen the bolt at the junction, adjust the surrounding stop surface in the same level, and then tighten it. 4. When the gate is assembled, in order to make the friction surface between the gate plate and the water stop of the gate frame fit tighter and reduce the clearance after the device, the gate is equipped with a pressure plate clamping iron on the upper and lower crossframes, and the top wires are added to the inclined iron of the vertical gate frames on both sides. It should be noted that after the clearance is adjusted, the clamping iron and the top wires will not affect the opening and closing of the gate. When installing steel gates, all in-place devices should be installed to stop the separate devices of gates and gates, so as to prevent the bending deformation of the gates and affect the sealing effect and the opening and closing of the gates.  6. After the gate is hoisted into the holes arranged at the foundation of the reserved second-stage pouring cement structure, it is necessary to ensure that the vertical gate frame on both sides is closely attached to the vertical line with a length ruler, and the upper and lower cross gate frame is close to the level line with a length ruler. After the gate is hoisted in place, the correct position of front, back, left and right sides, and up and down is adjusted, and then the adjustment foot bolts are welded to the prefabricated steel bars of the project. At the same time, when the clearance is greater than 0.2mm, stop adjusting with high-strength bolts to ensure that the maximum clearance of each water stop surface is less than 0.2mm. Then, the vertical gate frames on both sides of the back water surface of the gate are supported by steel or wood poles, which are extruded when waterproof cement is poured to form the bending deformation of the vertical gate frames on both sides, affecting the sliding of the gate plates in the upper and lower parts of the gate frame slideway. The second stage cementing can be stopped initially after confirmation is correct. 7. After pouring cement in the second stage of the gate, the cement slurry flowing into the gap between the gate plate, the gate frame and the closed pressure plate should be cleaned up in time to avoid affecting the opening and closing of the gate after the cement slurry solidifies. 6. When using the self-supporting cast iron gate, the upper and lower limit positions of the gate plate should be noticed when opening and closing the overflow orifice, so as to avoid damaging the gate or the hoist.


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